We are happy to announce that RenewSys participated in the Quality Circles competition of the 36th Chapter Convention on Quality Concepts organized by "Quality Circle Forum of India (Hyderabad Chapter).
RenewSys has won the Best Quality Circle Organisation Award and the judges rated the presentations of all 7 below Quality Circle teams in the "Gold Category".
Name of the Quality Circle: Blue Rays
Project Area: Solar PV Cell
Name of the Quality Circle: Conquerors
Project Title: Reduction of Loading time of Trailer Vehicles
Name of the Quality Circle: Suraj
Project Title: Module Stringing
Name of the Quality Circle: Pioneer
Project Title: Module Manufacturing
Name of the Quality Circle: Champion
Project Area: Module Manufacturing
Name of the Quality Circle: Pragathi Surya
Project Area: Module Production
Name of the Quality Circle: Developers
Project Area: Module Production